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International Projects

  1. Project Title: Ethnopharmacological approach in phytochemical investigation of some Salvia species.
    Principal researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Dean, Professor.
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China.
    Financed by: Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia.
    Project Length: 2018-2019.
  2. Project Title: High Content Screening of plant extracts used as traditional herbal medicines. Principal researcher in Macedonia: Gjoshe Stefkov, PhD, Associate Professor. Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI), Innsbruck, Austria.
    Financed by: Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia.
    Project Length: 2016-2018.
  3. Project Title: VRE for regional Interdisciplinary communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean.
    Principal Researchers in Macedonia: Atanas Mishev, UKIM- FINKI Skopje, PhD. Full Professor.
    Participants from Faculty of Pharmacy (UKIM FF Skopje): Jasmina Tonic Ribarska, PhD. Assistant Professor; Marija Glavas Dodov, PhD. Associated Professor; Maja Simonovska Crcarevska, PhD. Assistant Professor.
    Type of Project: Horizon2020.
    Project Length: 2015-2018.
  4. Project Title:High Content Screening of plant extracts used as traditional herbal medicines.
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Gjoshe Stefkov, PhD, Associate Professor.
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI), Innsbruck, Austria.
    Project Length: 2016-2018.
  5. Project Title: Central European Knowledge Alliance for Teaching, Learning & Research in Pharmaceutical Technology (CEKA PharmTech)
    Principal Coordinator in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova, PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: CEEPUS – Central European Exchange Program For University Studies Collaboration between Faculties of Pharmacy at the University of Ljubljana, University of Gdansk, University of Graz, University of Belgrade, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, University of SS Cyril and Methodius, Skopje
    Project Length: 2016-2017
  6. Genetic factors for development and therapy of colorectal cancer, финансиран од ICGEB-Trieste.
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r A. Dimovski. 2015-2018.
  7. Cooperation studies on inherited susceptibility to colorectal cancer, COST Action BM-1206.
    Participant: d-r A. Dimovski. 2013-2017.
  8. Project Title: Formulation, design and optimization of polymer nanoparticles as drug carriers for cancer treatment
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje, R. Macedonia and Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro;
    Financed by: Ministry of Science of R.Macedonia and Ministry of Science of Montenegro.
    Project Length: 2015-2017.
  9. Project Title: Strengthening the regional scientific-research potential by studying medicinal and aromatic plants from the Sharr/Šar and Korab mountains (HigherKos)
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Gjoshe Stefkov, PhD. Assistant Professor.
    Тype of project: International (participants: Austria, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia)
    Financed by: Austrian Development Corporation
    Project length: 2013-2014
  10. Project Title: Innovative approaches for better utilization of local biodiversity in see based on ethnoparmacology
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor
    Тype of project: International (participatins: Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia)
    Financed by: the Participation Programme Committee of UNESCO, for “Southeast European Network on Phytochemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products for Green and Sustainable Growth” (SEE PhytoChemNet)
    Project length: 2013-2014
  11. Project Title: Multifunctional nanocarriers as carriers for anticancer drugs
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje, R.Macedonia andInstitute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
    Financed by: Ministry of Science of R.Macedonia and Bulgarian Ministry of Science
    Project Length: 2011-2013.
  12. Project Title: Conservation and utilization of the diversity of sage species (Salvia spp.) traditional food preservatives and spices
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor.
    Тype of project: International
    Financed by: SEE ERA Net Plus, International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at German aerospace center (DLR)
    Project length: 2010-2012
  13. Project Title: Conservation and Characterization of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) wild population in Europe
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor
    Тype of project: International
    Financed by: ECPGR Medicinal and Aromatic Plants working group (MAPs working group)
    Project length: 2010-2011
  14. Project Title: Conservation and exploitation of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants traditionally used in the SEE, WB Countries. A model approach for Sideritis spp. (Mountatin tea)
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor.
    Тype of project: International
    Financed by: SEE ERA Net Plus, International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at German aerospace center (DLR)
    Project length: 2010-2012
  15. Прогностички и предиктивни молекуларни маркер во терапијата на колорективниот карцином.
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r A. Dimovski. Collaboration with University of Ljubljana. Slovenia. 2009-2011.
  16. Project Title: Building platform for implementation of GPP in the Republic of Macedonia.
    Principal researcher in Macedonia: Lidija Petrushevska Tozi, PhD, Professor.
    Type of Project: International project
    Financed by: EuroPharm Forum and WHO Europe.
    roject Length: 2011-2012.
  17. Project Title: Amphiphilic carriers for targeted anticancer drug delivery and/or combined chemotherapeutic/gene therapy
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje, R.Macedonia andHacettepeFaculty of Pharmacy, Ankara, Turkey;
    Financed by: Ministry of Science of R.Macedonia and TUBITAK, Turkey
    Project Length: 2009-2011.
  18. Project Title: Genetic Structure of Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis) Populations: A Model for a Collaborative Research on MAP Genetic Resources
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor
    Тype of project: International
    Financed by: SEED Net
    Project length: 2008-2010
  19. Project Title: Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of some novel quinolones.
    Principal researcher in Macedonia: Emil Popovski, PhD, Professor.
    Participant from Faculty of Pharmacy (UKIM FF Skopje): Kristina Mladenovska, PhD. Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral project between the Macedonian academy of science and arts and Bulgarian academy of science.
    Project Length: 2007-2010
  20. Prognostic and predictive factors in colorectal cancer management.
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r A. Dimovski.
    Project Length:2007-2009.
  21. Oxidative stress, DNA dammege and genetic variants in prostate cancer (TUBITAK project).
    Main Researcher: prof. D-r A. Dimovski and prof. D-r A. Sikole.
    Project Length:2006-2009.
  22. Molecular predictive markers of efficacy/toxicity of capecitabine based treatments of colorectal cancer (ROCHE sponsored clinical study).
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r A. Dimovski.
    Project Length:2006 – 2009.
  23. Prognostic and predictive factors in colorectal cancer management. ICGEB
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r A. Dimovski.
    Colaboration with: Меѓународен центар за генетско инжинерство и биотехнологија од Трст, Италија; Клиника за абдомална хирургија; Институт за радиотерапија и онкологија при Медицински факултет во Скопје и Лабораторија за молекуларна хематологија при ICGEB, Rim, Italija.
    Project Length:2007-2009.
  24. Project title: Synthesis of novel coumarin derivatives with potential biological activitiy and determination of their structures.
    Principal researcher in Macedonia: Emil Popovski, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Sciences.
    Participant from Faculty of Pharmacy (UKIM FF Skopje): Kristina Mladenovska, PhD. Professor
    Type of project: Bilateral project between the Macedonian academy of science and arts and Bulgarian academy of science.
    Project length: 2007-2009.
  25. Project Titele: Exploring the molecular biodiversity of medicinal and aromatic plants
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor
    Тype of project: International
    Financed by: SEE ERA Net Plus, International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at German aerospace center (DLR)
    Project length: 2007-2008.
  26. Project Title: Preparation and evaluation of biodegradable microparticles for oral controlled drug delivery
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje, R.Macedonia andHacettepe Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara, Turkey;
    Financed by: Ministry of Science of R.Macedonia and TUBITAK, Turkey.
    Project Length: 2005 – 2008.
  27. Improved Prevention, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Cancer Patients In Macedonia, SIDA foundation.
    Main Researcher: prof.d-r Aleksandar Dimovski. Colaboration with Karolinska institute, Stocholm, Sweeden.
    Project Length: 2005-2008.
  28. Preparation and evaluation of biodegradable microparticles for oral controlled drug delivery, The Scientisfic and Tehnical Research, Council of Turkey TUBITAK.
    Main Researcher: prof. d-r K. Goracinova.
    Project Length: 2005-2008.
  29. Restructuring of pharmacist education in R. Macedonia, TEMPUS-Phare.
    Раководител на Македонскиот тим: prof. Д-р Љубица Шутуркова.
    Соработка со: The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark; Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Stocholm, Sweeden; University “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy; Universite Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris, France; University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
    Project Length: 2004-2007.
  30. Project Title: Chemical characterization of overground, medicinal and aromatic plants from Fam. Lamiaceae, Sideritis spp.
    Principal researcher from Macedonia: Marina Stefova, PhD, Professor, UKIM – Faculty of Sciences.
    Participant from UKIM – Faculty of Pharmacy: Svetlana Kulevanova, PhD, Professor
    Тype of project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAN), Sofia, Bulgaria
    Financed by: BAN, Sofia, Bulgaria and UNESCO
    Project length: 2005-2006
  31. Project Title: Polymers for preparation of antibiotic carriers and tissue engineering
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, SS Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, R.Macedonia and TUBITAK, Turkey.
    Project Length: 2002 – 2006.
  32. Project Title: Influence of biopolymer interactions on the drug delivery from chitosan-alginate colloidal carrier systems
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: NATO Science for Peace Project; collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of SS Cyril and Methodius, Skopje and Queens University, Kingston, Canada.
    Project Length: 2002 – 2006.
  33. Molecular cytogenetics of solid tumors – genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer (COST project).
    Main Researcher: prof. D-r A. Dimovski.
    Project Length:2004–2006.
  34. Полимери за подготовка на системи-носачи на антибиотици и ткивен инжинеринг
    Financed by: Советот за научно-техничка соработка, Р. Турција, Министерство за наука на Р. Македонија;
    Main Researcher: проф. Маја Цветковска – Технолошко металуршки факултет. Учесници од Фармацевтаскиот факултет:
    Project Length:2003-2006.
  35. Project Title: Research in the field of carbohydrate analysis in natural products – preparation of analytical procedures using PdCl2 as a reagent
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia: Tomislav Ristov, PhD., Professor
    Type of project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and University of Zagreb, Croatia;
    Financed by: Ministry of education and Science of Republic of Macedonia
    Project length: 2000-2003
  36. Project Title: Development and evaluation of biodegradable drug carriers for anticancer therapy.
    Principal Researcher in Macedonia:Emilija Fredro Kumbaradzi, , Professor
    Type of project: Bilateral collaboration between Institute of Pharmaceutical technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, UKIM, Skopje and Faculty of Pharmacy, Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey,
    Financed by: Ministry of Science of R. Macedonia and TUBITAK, Turkey
    Project length: 1999-2002
  37. Project Title: Block-copolymers, polymeric gels and matrices; synthesis and application as emulsifying agents and in modified release
    Participant from Macedonia: Katerina Goracinova PhD, Professor
    Type of Project: Bilateral collaboration between Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, SS Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, R.Macedonia and TUBITAK, Turkey.
    Project Length: 1999-2002.
  38. Дизајнирање, синтеза и биолошко вреднување на флавоноидни анализи како потенцијални инхибитори на тирозин киназиp56lck и aldoza reduktaza,
    Македонско-Словеначка меѓународна програма за научно технолошка соработка,
    Project Length: 1995-1996.
  39. Развој на антиконјугатни антитела во автоимуни заболувања и развој на вакцини кои се темелат на олигосахариди за заштита од бактериски инфекции,
    Мекедонско-Американски проект, научна и техничка соработка,
    Главен координаор: проф. Љубица Шутуркова,
    Project Length:1994-1996.